Safeguarding Training

"The best DSL training I have attended in ten years"
Feedback from a Designated Safeguarding Lead after attending a DSL Refresher Course delivered by Elizabeth Rose

Safeguarding training for schools, colleges and early years settings

Designated Safeguarding Leads must be suitably trained for their role and must undertake refresher training every two years. They must also continue to stay up to date with relevant safeguarding information between refresher courses.

All members of staff need to receive annually refreshed training and updates throughout the year.

I am a highly effective trainer and consistently receive excellent feedback on training sessions delivered to schools.

I provide training packages to support schools to meet their statutory requirements, but more importantly to ensure that staff are confident to manage safeguarding issues and protect the children in their care. All training is tailored to the issues pertinent to your context and your local safeguarding procedures.

Courses available to book now

  • Initial DSL training for professionals new to the role
  • DSL Refresher training
  • Bespoke training on topical safeguarding issues
  • Training for Governors
Please get in touch to discuss how I can support you in training your staff.

Training for charities, clubs and businesses

It is essential that organisations working with children are suitably trained to identify and respond to safeguarding issues. I deliver bespoke training to organisations, businesses, charities and clubs that work directly with children.

Courses available to book now

  • In-house Safeguarding and Child Protection Training for all staff and volunteers (online course available during Covid-19)
  • In-house Designated Safeguarding Lead training or refresher training for relevant staff and volunteers
  • Safer Working Practice training for all staff
  • Bespoke training on topical safeguarding issues
Please get in touch to discuss how I can support you in training your staff.

© So Safeguarding Ltd 2023

Registered Company Number 12482096